Annely Peebo (mezzo-soprano)VieVox Vocal Ensemble (Austria)
Pantelis Polychronidis (piano)
Seoses valitsuse otsusega keelata Ida-Virumaal siseruumides vaba aja tegevused jääb Jõhvi kontserdimajas ära 28. detsembril toimuma pidanud Annely Peebo ja vokaalsansambli VieVox kontsert „Pühademuusika“.
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The concert features music from the Viennese classics, Viennese waltzes along with some of the world’s most famous Christmas hits, as well as Estonian music.
Members of the vocal group VieVox are all former members of the famous Vienna Boys’ Choir. Annely Peebo and VieVox have performed together before. For the first time, however, VieVox will be in front of the Estonian audience during the Christmas Music Tour of 25-28. December, in concert halls all over Estonia, bringing with them Viennese inspired holiday mood.