Summer Heart

  • Thursday, 15.07
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Kadrioru loss
  • Classical music
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Tuulikki Bartosik (accordion with melody bass)
Duo Telluur:
Heli Ernits (French horn / oboe)
Kirill Ogorodnikov (classical guitar)

Music from albums “Storied Sounds” and “Storm in Water Glass” by Tuulikki Bartosik, and “Evening Mosaic” by Duo Telluur

Presenting three versatile Estonian musicians with instruments from different eras – the combination of accordion, French horn and guitar is quite special.

Each of us has “ownworld” – the world as one perceives it. As our “ownworlds” meet the heart of all our worlds is born. There are many opportunities for new experiences, inspiration, collaboration, and broadening of cognition to be found. The concert program “Summer Heart” is a story of friendship, kinship, warmth, joy, longing, nature and human nature.

Concert series “Summer Classics in Kadriorg”

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