You cannot sell your soul • Olav Ehala 75

  • Thursday, 15.05
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
  • Choir music, Levimuusika, Vocal music
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Olav Ehala (piano)
Kadri Voorand (vocal, piano)
Marek Talts (guitar)
Mihkel Mälgand (bass)
Ahto Abner (percussion)

Estonian National Male Choir
Conductor Mikk Üleoja

Olav Ehala’s cherished stage and film music arranged by Kadri Voorand. This concert marks a sequel to the initial collaboration between Kadri Voorand and the National Choir nearly a decade ago.

Schedule of performances

  • Thursday, 15.05
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
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