• Wednesday, 19.03
  • 19:00
  • Jõhvi, Jõhvi kontserdimaja
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Mika Kallio (gongs, synthesizers)
Jussi Fredriksson (synthesizers, gongs, tubular bells)
Jaska Lukkarinen (gongs, percussion, synthesizers)
Max Zenger (bass clarinet, percussion)

Improvisations on themes from Mika Kallio’s album “Gong Odyssey” (2022)

When there are more than 30 gongs on stage, the soundscape they create usually borders on ambient and improvisational music. Finnish gong wizard Mika Kallio boldly ventures into uncharted territories of sound, creating an eternal sonic space where time ceases to exist.

The concert features music  by an ensemble of top Finnish jazz musicians from Mika Kallio’s 2022 album “Gong Odyssey.”

Duration 1 h 10 min


Schedule of performances

  • Wednesday, 19.03
  • 19:00
  • Jõhvi, Jõhvi kontserdimaja
  • Thursday, 20.03
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
  • Friday, 21.03
  • 19:00
  • Pärnu, Pärnu kontserdimaja
  • Saturday, 22.03
  • 19:00
  • Tartu, Vanemuise kontserdimaja
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