Our Shadows. Reflections on Kaplinski

  • Saturday, 29.03
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Estonian National Male Choir
Conductor: Mikk Üleoja

Music inspired by and set to texts by Jaan Kaplinski
Agopov: “Six Songs to Texts by Jaan Kaplinski”

Jaan Kaplinski was a world-class thinker and writer, arguably the most cosmopolitan of Estonian writers while deeply rooted in Estonian thought and language. Diverging from the standard Estonian literary language in his last decade, the poet consciously chose to publish his poetry in Võro and Russian instead of standard Estonian.

One intermission, duration 1 h 40 min

Schedule of performances

  • Saturday, 29.03
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
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