Opening of the concert season

  • Saturday, 21.09
  • 19:00
  • Pärnu, Pärnu kontserdimaja
  • Classical music
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Tuuri Dede (mezzo-soprano)
Tamar Nugis (baritone, Estonian NO)
Raiko Raalik (bass, RO Estonian NO)
Ain Anger (bass)
Girls' Choir Ellerhein
Mixed choir Latvija
Estonian National Male Choir
Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
Conductor Neeme Järvi

Artur Kapp. “Hiiob”
Oratorio in two parts for mezzo-soprano, baritone, two basses, mixed choir, male choir, children’s choir, organ and orchestra
Libretto: Julius Kaljuvee, German text edited by Heli Susi

In Estonian sacred music, three oratorial works stand as mountain peaks among the others: “Des Jona Sendung” by Rudolf Tobias, “Estonian Requiem” by Cyrillus Kreek and oratorio “Hiiob” (1929) by Artur Kapp, the premiere of which in 1931 became a major event in Estonian musical life. After the break of 27 years, this impressively large composition will be brought back to the audience by maestro Neeme Järvi.

In cooperation with the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra

Approx. two hour concert with one intermission



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