Presentation concert of Pärnu Opera Days. Soloists of the Royal Polish Opera

  • Wednesday, 23.03
  • 19:00
  • Pärnu, Pärnu kontserdimaja
  • Opera
  • Eesti Kontsert


Justyna Stępień (soprano)
Aneta Łukaszewicz (mezzo-soprano)
Robert Gierlach (baritone)
Dagmara Dudzińska (piano) 

Chopin, Moniuszko, Szymanowski

The guest theater of the Pärnu Opera Days taking place from 7 July to 9 July 2022 is the Royal Polish Opera. At the end of March, the theater will introduce its soloists, activities, and a three-day festival in Pärnu. 

The baritone Robert Gierlach performing at the concert will be seen on 7 July as Don Giovanni and the mezzo-soprano Aneta Łukaszewicz will be heard on 8 July as Cześnikowa in Moniuszko’s opera “The Haunted Manor”.

The Royal Polish Opera operates in Warsaw, in Łazienki Królewskie, the former summer residence of the Polish royal family. It was here that King Stanisław August Poniatowski founded the Opera House, which opened in 1788. It is one of the few authentic 18th-century court theaters in Europe that has been preserved to this day. Nowadays, the Royal Polish Opera has attracted attention with performances of Mozart and Polish composers. This is also presented at summer performances in Pärnu – Mozart’s “Don Giovanni” and Stanisław Moniuszko’s “Haunted Manor”. The opera days will traditionally be concluded with a gala concert-dinner hosted by Anu Välba. 

Tickets for the Pärnu Opera Days will be on sale from 23 March.

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