Motifs of Tartu

  • Saturday, 8.10
  • 15:00
  • Tartu, Eesti Rahva Muuseum, Raamatukogu saal (A-sissepääs)
  • Classical music
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Enn Lillemets (word)
Mihhail Gerts (piano)
M4GNET quartet
Robert Traksmann (violin I)
Katariina Maria Kits (violin II)
Mart Kuusma (viola)
Siluan Hirvoja (cello)

The final concert of exhibition “Beauty of Colors. Art of the Estonian golden age from ENN Kunila’s collection”

Tubin. Piano quartet in C minor
Oja. Piano quintet

The works of Tubin and Oja are like a sound equivalent to the paintings of E. Kõks, K. Liimand, and other artists of the Pallas School, being unique, fresh, imaginative, and masterful. Enn Lillemets talks about the contact between the composers of the Tartu composers and the artists of Pallas, a topic that has been discussed very little in Estonian music and art history.

After the concert, the audience will be able to visit the exhibition for the very last time.

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