“Nomad: Drawn Sounds” Improvisation concert with children’s participation

  • Sunday, 17.11
  • 15:30
  • Tallinn, Kultuurikatel, black box
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Ceren Oran (supervisor, "sound painter", choreographer; Turkey/Germany)
Milly Groz (piano, rhythm; Austria)
Young musicians with different instruments

What is improvisation? Can I also improvise? Performance of the dancer, choreographer and “sound painter” Ceren Oran who believes that improvisation is one of the coolest and most creative means of expression in music.

Featured are the best students of the 22nd Days of Creation and Improvisation ages 10-14, who just before the Big Bang festival participated in Ceren Oran’s two-day workshop discovering new ways of creating music, improvising with hand signs, and of course enjoying the art of making music! At this unique concert, we hear a young impro orchestra with exciting sounds and rhythms with the ideas acquired in the workshop. Instructors include Ceren Oran and pianist Milly Groz with children, who also charm some of the well-known melodies out of the children.

Turkish-born dancer, choreographer, “helicopter” Ceren Oran has taught many interdisciplinary workshops for children using the language of real-time composition – sound painting. Based on nine years of experience and feedback from participants one can say “sound painting” is a charming tool for working with students, teachers, theater groups or choirs, with children of different backgrounds and needs. It helps to sharpen the hearing of the sounds, understand the work and energy of working in the group and developing individual improvisation skills.



Milly Groz (Austria) is a pianist and master of rhythms. Her main areas of activity are free improvisation, jazz, and the combination of music and movement through eurythmia. Milly Groz works as a freelance musician, and she leads a number of projects in the fields of free improvisation, jazz and rap funky. Milly Groz discovered her passion for sound painting thanks to Ceren Oran, having by now acquired the highest level of qualification in this field. In addition, she teaches improvisation at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.

The Nomad project is part of the Big Bang Festival format, which is based on creative collaboration with local children and an artist or band from abroad. A concert project will be jointly learned and prepared and will subsequently presented at the festival.


In collaboration with the Saue Music School


Duration: 30 min

Age: 7+

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