Alexei Botvinov (piano, Ukraine)VJ Videomatics (visuals)
agasi. Pileti saab tagastada meili teel, saates selleks e-pileti või foto piletist ja arveldusarve numbri aadressil
Pileteid saab tagastada samuti kontserdimajade kassades.
Estonia kontserdisaali kassa on 04.–31.01 avatud kella 10–17, L–P suletud.
Piletite tagasiost kestab kuni 28. veebruarini.
Bach, Chopin, Rakhmaninoff, Glass, Einaudi
Alexei Botvinov is a prominent Ukrainian pianist who has received high acclaim for Rachmaninoff’s interpretations and has been invited to perform Bach’s Goldberg variations more than 300 times. The concert evening in Tallinn will be special – a visual inspired by the performed music will be projected on the cover of the piano, and an innovative whole will be created in the symbiosis of video and classical music.