Concert-discussion. Voices of Nations in Songs

  • Saturday, 8.10
  • 18:00
  • Tartu, Heino Elleri Muusikakooli Tubina saal
  • Classical music
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Tuuri Dede (mezzo soprano)
Sten Heinoja (piano)
Joonas Hellerma and guests: Liina Lukas, Taive Särg, Lauri Õunapuu

Saar. “19 folk melodies for piano”
Selected songs by Mart Saar
Tubin. “Ballade on the Theme by Mart Saar”

What does the survival of language and culture depend on, and how do the views of Johann Gottfried Herder- the man who first put Estonian folk songs on the world map, speak to us today?

In cooperation with the Fenno-Ugrian Foundation and is part of the tribal days program.

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