Kirke Karja (piano)

  • Thursday, 24.10
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
  • Classical music
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Kirke Karja (piano )

Thu, 24 October 18.00 Estonia Concert Hall
Pre-concert talk: Limits or no limits of piano (in Estonian)

Kulla, Draksler, Hauptmann, Cudars, Faust, Mägi

Kirke Karja is an acclaimed Estonian pianist known for her innovative approach to jazz and contemporary music. She leads several ensembles, including the Kirke Karja Quartet, and has performed at major international festivals. Her work blends traditional jazz with experimental sounds, earning her recognition as a dynamic and forward-thinking artist in the European music scene.


Schedule of performances

  • Thursday, 24.10
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
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