Prezioso String Quartet

  • Saturday, 1.07
  • 20:00
  • Toila, Toila Valgevilla siseõu
  • SA Eesti Kontsert Jõhvi kontserdimaja



Hanna-Liis Nahkur (violin)
Mari-Katrina Suss (violin)
Helena Altmanis (viola)
Andreas Lend (cello)


Bach, Mozart, Dvorak, Elgar, Rääts, Valgre, Porter


The Prezioso String Quartet has been making music for sixteen years, playing a classic string quartet repertoire, as well as providing interpretations of pop and jazz music. Prezioso’s music can be characterised by its energy and intensity, but also through its humane depth and ethics. The pieces which will be performed in this concert will certainly bring with them a glorious feeling of joy and recognition, while hopefully also providing a few new favourites.

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