The Kolm Lindu Chamber Choir

  • Monday, 3.07
  • 19:00
  • Jõhvi, Jõhvi Mihkli kirik
  • SA Eesti Kontsert Jõhvi kontserdimaja


Conductors Hirvo Surva, Stijn Claerhoudt

The programme includes motets by Anton Bruckner and secular music by Cyrillus Kreek.


The Kolm Lindu Chamber Choir was born in Tartu in 2017. There are no professional singers in the choir, but it pursues its ambition to perform a diverse, beautiful, and demanding repertoire, and of course to make intensive and meaningful music. The choir’s head conductor is Valter Soosalu and the choir is also led every season by various visiting conductors.


Tickets 7 €

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