Johann Strauss Jr. „The Gypsy Baron“

  • Friday, 27.07
  • 19:00
  • Kuressaare, Kuressaare lossi ooperimaja
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Performance by Hungarian State Opera

On one of his visits to Budapest, the younger Johann Strauss formed a collaboration with Hungarian writer Mór Jókai. The fruit of their work turned out to be one of the “Waltz King’s” finest operettas „Der Zigeunerbaron“. Night of music with the sounds of the Hungarian czardas, Gypsy music, the Viennese waltz and weightier melodies. And what is a bald pig dealer doing in an operetta? And how will the son of a gentleman become the baron of the Gypsies? All will be revealed in its own time.

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