
  • Saturday, 30.06
  • 21:00
  • Haapsalu, Haapsalu kultuurikeskus



Tim Kliphuis Trio (Netherlands),
The Orchestra of the Tallinn Music High School

Tim Kliphius, a violinist and a master of jazz arrangements who left the Estonian audience in awe a couple of
years ago, gives the listener a chance to enjoy Tchaikovsky in a jazz arrangement at the last concert of the festival. The concert includes themes from „Serenade“ and „Souvenir de Hapsal“, but also Ellington and Copland. The string players from the Orchestra of the Tallinn Music High School also participate. The young musicians, who will perform on world stages in the future and hopefully play as soloists at the future Tchaikovsky festivals, lend a special feeling to the concert with their energy and spark.


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