Isang Yun. SIM TJONG

  • Tuesday, 22.07
  • 20:00
  • Kuressaare, Kuressaare lossi ooperimaja
  • Opera
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Daegu Opera House (South Korea)

“Sim Tjong” by Isang Yun was commissioned by Germany for the opening ceremony of the 1972 Olympics in Munich. It was premiered that year at the Bayerische Staatsoper and received high praise for “expressing the mysterious spiritual world of the East with profound sound and meticulous design”.

This opera, performed with Western instruments, conveys Eastern emotions and tells the story of Sim Tjong’s sacrifice to save her blind father. It presents the audience with themes of rebirth and salvation created by the mystery of love. It is particularly notable for its impressive blend of traditional Korean folk tale and contemporary music.

Schedule of performances

  • Tuesday, 22.07
  • 20:00
  • Kuressaare, Kuressaare lossi ooperimaja
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