Haapsalu Tchaikovsky Festival 2020. Beati Mandolini


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Beati Mandolini:
Urmas Põldma (song, percussion)
Ants Õnnis (mandolin, harmonica)
Tõnu Raadik (mandolin, violin)
Teet Veskus (guitar, harmonica)
Are Jaama (guitar, mandolin)
Joosep Sang (mandolin)
Endel Valkenklau (bass mandolin)

Russian romances and Italian serenades

Beati Mandolini performes mostly Sicilian folk music as authentically as possible. This time around, at the Tchaikovsky Festival, they will naturally add Russian romances to its repertoire – after all, there is much similar in the music, people, and history of the two countries – passion, vivid colors, and grand gestures. Love songs whether speak of the seventh heaven or are afflicted with emotional hell. Beati Mandolini captivates the audience with genuine and direct acoustic music that fits into every interior and fascinates listeners of all ages.

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