Festival opening concert. Flaming Heart

  • Thursday, 6.10
  • 19:00
  • Tartu, Vanemuise kontserdimaja
  • Classical music
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Vanemuine Symphony Orchestra
Liisa Randalu (viola)
Conductor Mihhail Gerts

at 6 pm pre-concert discussion “Proximity in words, sounds and deeds.”
Talking about the life and work of August Gailit, Eduard Tubin, and other authors in the concert program with Joonas Hellerma and Mihhail Gerts.

Kodály. Concerto for orchestra
Hindemith. Concerto for Viola and Orchestra “Der SchwanendreherTubin. Symphony No. 5 in B minor

The bright and hopeful flame did not stop burning in the hearts of the three composers, even on the most difficult days. They found creative support in the folk music of their country. Musical works with extraordinary energy, inspiring force, and birth story nothing but invite the audience to take part in the performance.

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