“Ever & Forever…” Rein Rannap (piano)

  • Saturday, 17.10
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Rein Rannap (piano)

Presentation concerts of Rannap‘s new piano album „Ever & Forever…“
Neo-romantic piano music, inbetween pop and classics with additional electronics and video.

Rannap – a unique and original composer and pianist – has once again composed a number of pieces and put together a programme touching your heart. As always, Rannap does not require special musical education from listeners. The concert is perfect for the lovers of both classical and light music. Both the album and the concerts feature electronic sounds pre-recorded on the piano sound, and the music is supported by videos prepared for these pieces. In addition to the album, there is also a collection of sheet music with all the pieces played on the programme available at the concerts.


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