Elena Bashkirova (piano, Germany)

  • Wednesday, 23.10
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
  • Classical music
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Elena Bashkirova (piano, Germany)

Wed, 23 October 18.00 Estonia Concert Hall 

Pre-concert talk: Piano recital as an art form – 200 years (in Estonian)

Fanny Hensel. 4 pieces from the cycle “The Year” (Das Jahr) H 385
Mozart. Piano sonata No. 13 in B major K 333
Dvořák. 3 pieces from the cycle “Poetic Tone Pictures” (Poetické nálady)
Mozart. Fantasy No. 4 in C minor K 475
Mozart. Piano sonata No. 14 in C minor K 457

Elena Bashkirova is a renowned pianist known for her emotive performances and exceptional technical skill. As the founder and artistic director of the Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival, she has made significant contributions to the world of chamber music. Daughter of the esteemed pianist and academic teacher Dmitri Bashkirov, she continues to honor her family’s musical legacy on prestigious stages worldwide. Maestra Elena Bashkirova is also the President of the Mendelssohn Society and since 1992, she has lived in Berlin with her husband Daniel Barenboim.

Schedule of performances

  • Wednesday, 23.10
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Estonia kontserdisaal
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