Alexander Zhedelyov (guitar, electronics)Artificial Intelligence (drum, video)
Alexander Tavgen (IT solutions)
It is a duel between a live musician and artificial intelligence, with children joining in by pairs, one of the children being able to change the video, and the other one being able to change the sound. You should bring a smartphone or iPad to the workshop. Participants will see how each particular child’s interactive activity changes the sound or the video. Artificial intelligence plays the drum on a stage specially created for this project and responds to the music of the ensemble partner. There is also a two-part video of human feelings created by artificial intelligence: sensations (pain, cold, hot, wet, dry), emotions (anger, fear, happiness, sadness).
In collaboration with Audiokinetica
The creation of an artificial intelligence drum was supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Duration: 50 min
Age: 10+, smartphone or iPad needed for participation
Group size: max 24 in