I Saw Eternity

  • Friday, 17.01
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Tallinna Filharmoonia Mustpeade maja
  • Choir music, Classical music
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Estonian National Male Choir
Virgo Veldi (saxophone improvisations)
Conductor Ellie Slorach (UK)

Mealor, Gjeilo, Vettik, Ešenvalds

Ellie Slorach, an outstanding British conductor of younger generation, presents a programme inspired by the night. Specifically compiled for the Estonian National Male Choir, Slorach offeres an intriguing mixture of styles and eras, surrounded by improvisations of the Estonian saxophonist Virgo Veldi.

Manchester-born Ellie Slorach is the founder of the Kantos Chamber Choir – a trailblazing vocal ensemble at the cutting edge of choral singing in the UK. She devises unique, innovative, sell-out performances in venues ranging from concert halls to nightclubs.

Night, moon, twilight and dreams translated into music, free flow of fantasy in masculine yet gentle tones – for one night in Tallinn.

Ulla Krigul on saxophonist Virgo Veldi:
Virgo is always full of surprises and as sparkly as freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Professional and visionary. Can be startling in his expressiveness and never leaving anyone cold. When you give a concert with Virgo, you can be sure that the audience will be thrilled with the experience. As a partner on stage, he is always exciting, and worth travelling with to see music through his eyes. Trust results in a great collaboration and flighty music making.

Schedule of performances

  • Friday, 17.01
  • 19:00
  • Tallinn, Tallinna Filharmoonia Mustpeade maja
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