Youth story in music. The Last Angel / CONCERTS ARE CANCELLED

  • Friday, 3.12
  • 12:00
  • Tartu, Vanemuise kontserdimaja
  • SA Eesti Kontsert



Music: Tauno Aints
Text: Indrek Hargla
Song lyrics: Heli Illipe-Sootak

A story about Jonah, who wants to create a song as a Christmas present for his grandmother: after having once in his dream heard a girl singing; the young man had no choice but to go and look for the girl. The journeys on the border of mysticism and reality take us to different eras, conflicting destinies, and changing values. Joonas has to endure a lot to find the girl and the song.

Supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Estonia, Estonian Cultural Endowment


Eesti Kontsert teatab kahetsusega, et viirusest tingitud distantsõppest ning sellest tuleneva vähese publikuhuvi tõttu jääb ära detsembris toimuma pidanud muusikaline noortelugu „Viimane ingel“.
Piletid ostetakse tagasi kuni kontserdi kavandatud toimumiskuupäevani.
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